Rancher Research Assistant Sample Outline

Rancher Research Assistant Sample Outline

This is an example outline for a Rancher article as produced by a research assistant. The main bullet points represent the sections the researcher thinks might work well within the article. The nested sub-items represent sub-sections and descriptions of what each section will cover. Providing a detailed outline, links to sources, and the main points that each section should cover help writers produce coherent, accurate, comprehensive articles on the topic. Outlines produced by researchers should be thoroughly researched, well organized, and detailed.

You can see the published article created from this outline here.

## Introduction

## What are namespaces and why would you use them?

* set up scope for naming
    * names must be unique within a namespace
    * names can be reused across namespaces
    * Sources:
        * https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/

* segment the cluster into logical chunks
    * example: separating development life cycle environments (dev, staging, prod)
    * example: separating environments for different projects
    * example: provisioning test environments that can be easily cleaned up
    * Sources:
        * https://kubernetes.io/blog/2016/08/kubernetes-namespaces-use-cases-insights/

* can be used to set policies like RBAC, network policies, and quotas
    * resource usage can be controlled by setting a `ResourceQuota` on resources scoped to the namespace
    * CNI plugins that support network policies can apply rules at the namespace scope
    * RBAC allows for fine-grained control over the permissions at a namespace level with `Role` and `RoleBinding` objects
        * Can be used to set per-namespace policies
        * Can also be used to grant users a level of autonomy by giving them administrative privileges for a specific namespace
    * Sources:
        * https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/
        * https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies/
        * https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/resource-quotas/

## Common Namespaces Usage Patterns

* separating workloads by project or team
    * a namespace is created for each project or team
    * works well because it allows for self-management and autonomy via RBAC configuration
    * RBAC also allows for easy group and user management to add or remove access to namespaces when a user is added or removed from a project or team in the real world
    * Can also use quotas to ensure that teams only use a reasonable amount of resources

* defining development environments
    * Can provision distinct environments for development, staging, and production
    * Works well for situations where operating entirely separate clusters doesn't make sense due to resource constraints, project size, policy, etc.
    * RBAC and network policies ensure that users and traffic are isolated to avoid tainting other environments
    * quotas help ensure that more critical environments have prioritized access to resources
    * can deploy the same objects, with the same names to each namespace environment
        * helps with consistency and promoting releases through a deployment pipeline

* isolating customers in a single cluster
    * helps manage resources for different clients separately
    * can track usage on a namespace level to figure out resource consumption for billing
    * can provision the same resources for different consumers in their own namespaces to reduce management complexity

* Sources:
    * https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/#when-to-use-multiple-namespaces
    * https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/namespaces/#understanding-the-motivation-for-using-namespaces
    * https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/gcp/kubernetes-best-practices-organizing-with-namespaces

## Overview of preconfigured Kubernetes namespaces and what they're used for

* default
    * Kubernetes tools are configured to use this namespace when a user doesn't provide one
    * This is the main place to deploy things as a user if you don't create custom namespaces
    * Kubernetes prevents you from deleting this namespace

* kube-public
    * This namespace is supposed to be globally readable, even without authenticating
    * One of the main use cases is to put information here that can be used to bootstrap cluster components.  For example for certificates that different pieces need access to.
    * This is mainly used internally and users shouldn't usually deploy things here

* kube-system
    * This is for Kubernetes internal components
    * Users should avoid deploying normal things here (some components might require deployment to this namespace, but users should be careful and audit these components carefully)
    * Since it is intended to be used by Kubernetes itself, it has fewer restrictions than some namespaces, and is therefore more dangerous to deploy to.

* Sources:
    * https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/#viewing-namespaces
    * https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/gcp/kubernetes-best-practices-organizing-with-namespaces
    * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45929548/whats-the-kube-public-namespace-for

## How to use namespaces (`kubectl` commands and a hands-on example walking through the following operations)

* Sources:
    * https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/namespaces-walkthrough/
    * https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/
    * https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/

### viewing the cluster's current namespaces

* To view all namespaces:

kubectl get namespaces
NAME            STATUS    AGE
default         Active    41d
kube-public     Active    41d
kube-system     Active    41d

* To get more detail on a single namespace:

kubectl describe namespace default
Name:         default
Labels:       field.cattle.io/projectId=p-cmn9g
Annotations:  cattle.io/status={"Conditions":[{"Type":"ResourceQuotaInit","Status":"True","Message":"","LastUpdateTime":"2018-12-17T23:17:48Z"},{"Type":"InitialRolesPopulated","Status":"True","Message":"","LastUpda...
Status:       Active

No resource quota.

No resource limits.

### creating new namespaces

* create a new one

kubectl create namespace demo-namespace
namespace "demo-namespace" created
kubectl get ns
NAME             STATUS    AGE
default          Active    41d
demo-namespace   Active    2m
kube-public      Active    41d
kube-system      Active    41d

* With YAML

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: demo-namespace
kubectl apply -f demo-namespace.yml
kubectl get ns
NAME             STATUS    AGE
default          Active    41d
demo-namespace   Active    2m
kube-public      Active    41d
kube-system      Active    41d

### targeting namespaces in commands with the `--namespace=` option

* what happens without specifying a namespace

kubectl create deployment --image nginx demo-nginx
deployment.extensions "demo-nginx" created
kubectl describe deployment demo-nginx | grep Namespace
Namespace:              default

* demo name collision

kubectl create deployment --image nginx demo-nginx
Error from server (AlreadyExists): deployments.extensions "demo-nginx" already exists

* demo deploying to different namespace

kubectl create deployment --image nginx demo-nginx --namespace=demo-namespace
deployment.extensions "demo-nginx" created
kubectl describe deployment demo-nginx --namespace=demo-namespace | grep Namespace
Namespace:              demo-namespace

### changing the default namespace by modifying the `kubectl` context

* check contexts

kubectl config get-contexts
*         Default   Default   Default

* change namespace associated with a context

kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=demo-namespace
Context "Default" modified.

* validate changes

kubectl config get-contexts
*         Default   Default   Default    demo-namespace
kubectl describe deployment demo-nginx | grep Namespace
Namespace:              demo-namespace

### removing namespaces

* view resources in a namespace first

kubectl get all --namespace=demo-namespace
NAME                              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/demo-nginx-676fc7d85d-gkdz2   1/1       Running   0          56m

NAME                         DESIRED   CURRENT   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/demo-nginx   1         1         1            1           56m

NAME                                    DESIRED   CURRENT   READY     AGE
replicaset.apps/demo-nginx-676fc7d85d   1         1         1         56m

* delete ns

kubectl delete namespace demo-namespace
kubectl get namespaces
NAME            STATUS    AGE
default         Active    41d
kube-public     Active    41d
kube-system     Active    41d

* reset context if needed

kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=
Context "Default" modified.

* clean up the deployment we made to the default context earlier to reset the cluster state completely

kubectl delete deployment demo-nginx

## How do Rancher Projects relate to namespaces?

* Rancher-specific functionality
* Projects group namespaces just like namespaces group workloads
    * each namespace belongs to one project
* Helps organize policy that might span across multiple namespaces
* Adds an additional layer so you can segment objects along two dimensions
* out-of-the-box projects are:
    * Default: contains the default namespace
    * System: contains all of the other namespaces that are created for you

* Sources:
    * https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/k8s-in-rancher/projects-and-namespaces/

## Conclusion