Using Private Catalogs in Rancher

If you use Rancher 1.6, you probably already know about Rancher Catalog, which lets your Rancher system users create and share application templates without the need for any technical knowledge about the applications. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create productive and reproducible private catalog templates
  • Provide templates in a self-service portal
  • Share services between distinct development teams
  • Manage versions and updates of your services
  • Offer your private templates to all Rancher users and customers

Catalog Repositories

You can configure Rancher Catalog with different catalog repositories (repos) to get distinct templates. A catalog repo is just a Git repo with a specific structure. By default, Rancher Catalog includes templates for two public catalog repos:

  • Rancher Certified Library — This repo provides templates for core and infrastructure services. It’s maintained and certified by Rancher Labs.
  • Community Catalog — This repo provides templates for any application. Templates are created and maintained by the Rancher Community, not certified by Rancher Labs.

Rancher enables these catalogs by default, but the admin can disable them on the Admin > Settings page.

Private Repos

One of the coolest features inside Rancher Catalog is the ability to generate and add your own catalog repos to your Rancher system.

Why use private repos?

This feature is especially useful when you want to:

  • Make your own developed services deployment productive and repeatable
  • Publish your own developed services for your users to consume
  • Manage the life cycle and control the updates of your deployed services
  • Share released services between distinct development teams

Kinds of Catalog Repos

There are two different kinds of Rancher Catalog repos:

  • Global — This kind of catalog repo is available to all Rancher environments. To manage global catalogs, go to the Admin > Settings page.
  • Environment — This kind is available only to the current Rancher environment. To manage environment catalogs, click Catalog > Manage.

Creating a Private Catalog Repo

As a basic example, let’s suppose you already have your docker-compose and rancher-compose files. For example:

  • docker-compose.yml

    version: '2'
        image: rawmind/web-test
        tty: true
          io.rancher.container.hostname_override: container_name
        image: rancher/lb-service-haproxy:v0.7.6
        - 8080:8080/tcp
          io.rancher.container.agent.role: environmentAdmin
          io.rancher.container.create_agent: 'true'
  • rancher-compose.yml

    version: '2'
        scale: 2
        retain_ip: true
        start_on_create: true
          healthy_threshold: 2
          response_timeout: 2000
          port: 8080
          unhealthy_threshold: 3
          initializing_timeout: 60000
          interval: 2000
          strategy: recreate
          request_line: GET "/" "HTTP/1.0"
        scale: 1
        start_on_create: true
          certs: []
          - hostname: ''
            priority: 1
            protocol: http
            service: test
            source_port: 8080
            target_port: 8080
          healthy_threshold: 2
          response_timeout: 2000
          port: 42
          unhealthy_threshold: 3
          initializing_timeout: 60000
          interval: 2000
          reinitializing_timeout: 60000

To Create a Private Catalog Repo

  1. Initialize an empty Git repo.
  2. Create a basic directory structure that consists of different folders for each package type:
    • templates — A folder for adding Cattle template packages
    • swarm-templates — A folder for adding Swarm template packages
    • mesos-templates — A folder for adding Mesos template packages
    • machine-templates — A folder for adding machine-driver template packages
    • infra-templates — A folder for adding infrastructure services template packages
    • — A file for describing your catalog repo
  3. Create a package structure inside each folder type:

    1. Create a folder with the package name, such as myservice, where you’ll save files.
    2. Create a config.yml file to describe the package:

      name: # The name of the Catalog entry
      description: |
        # A description of the Catalog entry
      version: #The default version of the package to use (must match any folder in the rancher-compose version)
      category: # The category to use when searching for Catalog entries
      maintainer: # The maintainer of the Catalog entry
      license: # The license
      projectURL: # The URL related to the Catalog entry
    3. To display an icon for the Catalog entry, create an image file prefixed with “catalogIcon-,\” such as catalogIcon-myservice.svg. The preferred image format is SVG, but PNG and JPG are allowed.

    4. Create a folder for every package version. The package name has to be a number. Use \“0\” for the first version, “1” for the second version, and so on. Inside every version folder, you need to add these files:

      • docker-compose.yml — Set your questions variable values, if needed.

        version: '2'
            image: rawmind/web-test
            tty: true
              io.rancher.container.hostname_override: container_name
            image: rancher/lb-service-haproxy:v0.7.6
            - ${PUBLISH_PORT}:${PUBLISH_PORT}/tcp
              io.rancher.container.agent.role: environmentAdmin
              io.rancher.container.create_agent: ‘true'
      • rancher-compose.yml — Add a catalog section and questions to this file.

        version: '2'
          name: "myservice"
          version: “0.1"
          description: "Package example to show private repo"
            - variable: "PUBLISH_PORT"
              label: "Publish port"
              description: |
                Select port to publish service
              required: true
              default: "8080"
              type: int
            scale: 2
            retain_ip: true
            start_on_create: true
              healthy_threshold: 2
              response_timeout: 2000
              port: 8080
              unhealthy_threshold: 3
              initializing_timeout: 60000
              interval: 2000
              strategy: recreate
              request_line: GET "/" "HTTP/1.0"
            scale: 1
            start_on_create: true
              certs: []
              - hostname: ''
                priority: 1
                protocol: http
                service: test
                source_port: 8080
                target_port: 8080
              healthy_threshold: 2
              response_timeout: 2000
              port: 42
              unhealthy_threshold: 3
              initializing_timeout: 60000
              interval: 2000
              reinitializing_timeout: 60000
      • — Optionally, we recommend adding this file to describe how the package works.

      Your Git repo folder structure should look like this:

      |_ myservice
         |_ config.yml
         |_ catalogIcon-myservice.svg
         |_ 0
            |_ docker-compose.yml
            |_ rancher-compose.yml
  4. Add, commit, and push your files into your Git repo.

  5. To update to a new package version, create a folder with the next version number inside your catalog folder, and then add new docker-compose and rancher-compose files.

Congrats! You created your first private catalog.

Using Your Private Catalog Repo

Once you’ve created your first catalog repo, you can use or share it. To use it, just add your < GIT_REPO > URL and < GIT_BRANCH > to your Rancher system as a catalog kind:

  • Global — For global catalogs, enter the URL and branch on the Admin > Settings page.
  • Environment — For environment catalogs, enter the URL and branch by clicking Catalog > Manage.

Rancher Server clones the Git repo automatically, and you can access your catalog repo packages from the Catalog > < NAME > menu.


This blog entry taught you how to create a private catalog repo to provide templates for your users or customers. For more information, see our Catalog docs. You can also read our best practices for Catalog packages on GitHub.

About the Author

Raul Sanchez Liebana is a DevOps Lead at Rancher Labs.
