August Online Meetup: Building a CI/CD Pipeline with Kubernetes and Rancher 2.0

Building a CICD Pipeline with Kubernetes Cover One of the most common uses for Kubernetes is to improve development operations, and as part of that, teams need to determine the best way to integrate their CI workflows with Kubernetes.

In our August Rancher Meetup, we dive into how to build a CI/CD workflow with Rancher 2.0 and Kubernetes. We look at best practices for building pipelines with containers, and some of the tools that make it easier.

During the meetup Rancher engineers Bill Maxwell and Chris Urwin discuss and demo:

  • Landscape of CI/CD tools and Frameworks
  • Application deployment and upgrade strategies
  • Implementing CI using GitLab
  • How to implement simple CI in 5 minutes using Rancher Pipelines
  • Implementing Continuous Delivery in Rancher

Get the Recorded Video, Slides, and Q&A from the Presentation
