Recording: The Great Container Monitoring Bake Off - October Online Meetup


oct-bakeoffOver the last few years we’ve seen a number of exciting new tools introduced for monitoring containers.  In our October online meetup we have asked three of our engineers to introduce their favorite container monitoring tools, and demonstrate how to deploy and utilize them. They will provide in-depth overviews of Sysdig, Datadog and Prometheus and try to help you determine which tool is best for your workload.

During this meetup, we’ll demonstrate:

  • Deploying container monitoring tools from the Rancher catalog.
  • Key differences between container and server monitoring.
  • How Sysdig, Datadog and Prometheus compare with one another.
As always, we’ll be demoing all of this live, and answer any and all questions you may have about monitoring options for Kubernetes, Docker, Rancher and anything else container-related.


date: October 27, 2016 Time: 1:00 PM (US Eastern US Time)






