Vitess is a database cluster solution for deploying, scaling and managing large clusters of MySQL instances. It’s architected to run as effectively in a public or private cloud architecture as it does on dedicated hardware. It combines and extends many important MySQL features with the scalability of a NoSQL database.
In a simple scenario with Relational Databases and MySQL in particular, you would have a master instance, then a couple of replicas. You would then direct read-only queries to the replicas and write queries (and possible critical read queries) to the master instance. Similar to the setup in the image below:
This all works fine, until you hit a limit: - when your hardware doesn’t cope with the load and you need a more expensive hardware; - you need to manually shard the database; - cluster management becomes a growing pain; - query monitoring is increasingly difficult.
These are the same problems engineers at youtube dealt with, and they came up with Vitess to solve these problems. Fortunately for us, they made it open source, so everyone can benefit from it.
Now you’ll see a lot of features of Vitess, that will seem like a list of buzzwords, but in this case, they are actually true:
Connection pooling - Multiplex front-end application queries onto a pool of MySQL connections to optimize performance.
Query de-duping – Reuse results of an in-flight query for any identical requests received while the in-flight query was still executing.
Transaction manager – Limit number of concurrent transactions and manage deadlines to optimize overall throughput.
Query rewriting and sanitization – Add limits and avoid non-deterministic updates.
Query killer – Terminate queries that take too long to return data.
Table ACLs – Specify access control lists (ACLs) for tables based on the connected user.
Performance analysis: Tools let you monitor, diagnose, and analyze your database performance.
Query streaming – Use a list of incoming queries to serve OLAP workloads.
Update stream – A server streams the list of rows changing in the database, which can be used as a mechanism to propagate changes to other data stores.
Topology Management Tools
Master management tools (handles reparenting)
Web-based management GUI
Designed to work in multiple data centers / regions
Virtually seamless dynamic re-sharding
Vertical and Horizontal sharding support
Multiple sharding schemes, with the ability to plug-in custom ones
It can be clearly seen that, at scale, the above features become incredibly valuable and necessary.
Now, let’s try it out :)
Vitess has come a long way and now it is relatively easy to deploy a Vitess cluster with Kubernetes.
The plan is as follows:
deploy a Rancher 2.0 instance and use it for every deploy step in this article;
using Rancher 2.0, create a Kubernetes cluster;
deploy Vitess on the above Kubernetes cluster;
create a database on Vitess and query it;
deploy a test application in the same Kubernetes cluster, that will use Vitess;
You should be able to create all the resources needed for the outlined steps with a free trial from Google Cloud Platform. A trial from GCP has a limit of 8 cores per project, keep that in mind when deploying your resources.
There’s already a good guide on how to deploy a Rancher 2.0 instance here, thus let’s not get into many details here. One note - if you want to run this guide on Google Cloud Platform trial, then create a separate project for the Rancher instace, thus saving yourself a CPU core for the Kubernetes cluster (remember the 8 cores limit per project for the GCP trial?)
Now onto starting a Kubernetes Cluster. For this, there’s again a pretty good guide here. One note - Vitess documentation recommends a cluster of 5 n1-standard-4 instances, that will get you over the GCP trial limit. But, if you create a 4 nodes of n1-standard-2 type, this will get you exactly to the 8 cores limit per project for GCP trial and it’s enough for the outlined tasks. There will be some changes to the Vitess scripts, to deploy less resources, so you can fit needed resources into the smaller cluster.
The Create Cluster part from Rancher should look like in the below image:
Create Cluster
Note the name of the cluster vitess-demo, it will be referenced further. Once you have your cluster created and active the first thing to do is to create a control instance, where you will have all the necessary tools for this Vitess demo. To do that, go to your newly created vitess-demo cluster, onto to the Default project and click on Deploy. Fill in there the details:
set the Name to vitess-control;
set the docker image to golang;
leave everything else as it is.
It should look like in the below image:
Click confidently on Launch!
In a moment you should have your vitess-control pod running. It will be used as a control plane for your Vitess cluster and thanks to Rancher, you will be able to access it from anywhere you have an internet access and a browser.
Ok, let’s get to installing the control part. To do that, click on the right hand side menu of vitess-control pod and select Execute shell, just like in the screenshot below:
Execute shell
This will bring you the go command line that we need. Let’s start typing commands there. First build and install vtctlclient by running:
go get vitess.io/vitess/go/cmd/vtctlclient
When successfull, this command doesn’t provide any output and it will download and build Vitess source code at this location: $GOPATH/src/vitess.io/vitess/, it will also copy the built vtctlclient binary to $GOPATH/bin.
Now let’s navigate to the Vitess source code directory and configure site-local settings with the following commands:
cd $GOPATH/src/vitess.io/vitess/examples/kubernetes ./configure.sh
It should look as below:
At the moment Vitess has out-of-the-box support for backups in Google Cloud Storage. If you want, you can create a bucket in Google Cloud to test the backup in this demo, but it’s not very important for the demo purposes.
There will also be a need to have kubectl configured on the vitess-control instance, to interact directly with the cluster. To do this, run the following commands on the vitess-control command line:
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/$(curl -s https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/stable.txt)/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl chmod +x ./kubectl mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
Now you need the kubeconfig file, that you can get from Rancher. You can get that from the vitess-demo default dashboard. On the upper right corner you should see Launch kubectl and Kubeconfig file. Click on Kubeconfig file and you’ll be presented with the contents of the kubeconfig file. On the bottom you will have the Copy to Clipboard option, click on that. Now you need to paste it into ~/.kube/config file inside vitess-control instance. To do that, execute shell in vitess-control instance and issue the below commands there:
Launch kubectl
Kubeconfig file
Copy to Clipboard
apt-get update apt-get install -y vim vim ~/.kube/config
Once you opened the file with vim, paste the kubeconfig file inside that file (don’t forget to enter insert mode in vim, by just pressing the I key, before pasting the contents).
Confirm that you have kubectl working properly, by issuing the following command:
root@vitess-control-fdb84cbc4-xgq75:/go# kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE vitess-control-fdb84cbc4-xgq75 1/1 Running 0 55m root@vitess-control-fdb84cbc4-xgq75:/go#
You should see the only pod running, the exact one from which you’re running the commands - vitess-control
The Vitess topology service stores coordination data for all the servers in a Vitess cluster. It can store this data in one of several consistent storage systems. In this example, we’ll use etcd. This will require a separate etcd cluster, from the Kubernetes one.
To easily create an etcd cluster, let’s install etcd-operator, using Rancher’s Catalog Apps. Go to Catalog Apps, click on Launch, search for etcd-operator. Once you’ve found etcd-operator, click on View Details and from the provided options, change only the namespace where etcd cluster will be deployed, because Vitess’ etcd-cluster will be deployed in the default namespace and etcd-operator has to be in the same namespace. It should look like this:
Catalog Apps
View Details
Click on Lauch and wait a couple of moments for the etcd-operator to deploy. Verify that etcd-operator is running, by checking the Workloads tab and inside it, check the Service Discovery tab. If you see there etcd-operator as a workload and etcd-cluster with etcd-cluster-client as services, then everything is fine.
Service Discovery
Now let’s start etcd cluster for Vitess. If you’re running this demo from a Google Cloud Platform trial account, then at this step you need to change the number of replicas started by the etcd cluster. To do that go to the Vitess control pod, Execute Shell and run the following command:
cd $GOPATH/src/vitess.io/vitess/examples/kubernetes sed -i 's/ETCD_REPLICAS\:\-3/ETCD_REPLICAS\:\-1/g' etcd-up.sh ./etcd-up.sh ### example output # Creating etcd service for 'global' cell... # etcdcluster.etcd.database.coreos.com/etcd-global created # Creating etcd service for 'test' cell... # etcdcluster.etcd.database.coreos.com/etcd-test created
Check that pods are running:
# kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE etcd-cluster-4ftlwdxbrp 1/1 Running 0 3m etcd-cluster-bjjsrfkm4x 1/1 Running 0 3m etcd-cluster-cxqkghhjt4 1/1 Running 0 2m etcd-global-qbnvtfd66b 0/1 PodInitializing 0 10s etcd-operator-etcd-operator-etcd-operator-7d467bd7fb-kpkvw 1/1 Running 0 3m etcd-test-x4pn5jw99s 0/1 Running 0 10s vitess-control-fdb84cbc4-7l2mp 1/1 Running 0 1h #
This one will be used to accept RPC commands from vtctlclient to modify the Vitess cluster. To install it, you’ll also need your vitess-control command line and issue there the following commands:
cd $GOPATH/src/vitess.io/vitess/examples/kubernetes ./vtctld-up.sh ### example output # Creating vtctld ClusterIP service... # service/vtctld created # Creating vtctld replicationcontroller... # replicationcontroller/vtctld created # To access vtctld web UI, start kubectl proxy in another terminal: # kubectl proxy --port=8001 # Then visit http://localhost:8001/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/default/services/vtctld:web/
At this point you can run vtctlclient from the vitess-control pod, to issue commands to the vtctld service on your Kubernetes cluster.
To enable RPC access into the Kubernetes cluster, you’ll need to use kubectl to set up an authenticated tunnel.
Since the tunnel needs to target a particular vtctld pod name, guys at Vitess provided the kvtctl.sh script, which uses kubectl to discover the pod name and set up the tunnel before running vtctlclient. To test this, let’s run ./kvtctl.sh help from where we left, this will test your connection to vtctld and list the vtctlclient commands that you can use to administer the Vitess cluster.
./kvtctl.sh help
./kvtctl.sh help ### example output # Starting port forwarding to vtctld... # Available commands: # # Tablets: # InitTablet [-allow_update] [-allow_different_shard] [-allow_master_override] [-parent] [-db_name_override=<db name>] [-hostname=<hostname>] [-mysql_port=<port>] [-port=<port>] [-grpc_port=<port>] -keyspace=<keyspace> -shard=<shard> <tablet alias> <tablet type>
The global etcd cluster is configured from command-line parameters, specified in the Kubernetes configuration files. The per-cell etcd cluster however needs to be configured, so it is reachable by Vitess. Run the following commands from vitess-control pod to set it up:
cd $GOPATH/src/vitess.io/vitess/examples/kubernetes ./kvtctl.sh AddCellInfo --root /test -server_address http://etcd-test-client:2379 test
If successful you should only see a INFO message that tells you that your command is proxied to vtctld.
Now starting with the interesting parts. A Vitess tablet is the unit of scaling for the database. A tablet consists of the vttablet and mysqld processes, running on the same host. We enforce this coupling in Kubernetes by putting the respective containers for vttablet and mysqld inside a single pod.
To start a vttablet, guys from Vitess provided a script that will launch 5 vttablet pods. This can be configured, and if you want to fit into the CPU limit provided by GCP trial, you need to change those values. How to do that, will be presented below.
Now go to vitess-control command line and run the following commands:
cd $GOPATH/src/vitess.io/vitess/examples/kubernetes ### run below commands only if you want to change the vttable count from 5 to 3 ### to fit into the GCP trial CPU limit sed -i 's/TABLETS_PER_SHARD\:\-5/TABLETS_PER_SHARD\:\-3/g' vttablet-up.sh sed -i 's/RDONLY_COUNT\:\-2/RDONLY_COUNT\:\-1/g' vttablet-up.sh ### end of vttablet count change ./vttablet-up.sh ### example output # Creating test_keyspace.shard-0 pods in cell test... # Creating pod for tablet test-0000000100... # pod/vttablet-100 created # Creating pod for tablet test-0000000101... # pod/vttablet-101 created # Creating pod for tablet test-0000000102... # pod/vttablet-102 created
At this point you should see tablet pods appearing in Rancher’s Workloads tab, just like shown below:
You can also check the the status of the tablets from the vitess-control command line:
./kvtctl.sh ListAllTablets test ### example output # Starting port forwarding to vtctld... # test-0000000100 test_keyspace 0 replica [] # test-0000000101 test_keyspace 0 replica [] # test-0000000102 test_keyspace 0 rdonly []
Once all tablets are up and running, it’s a good time to initialise a underlying MySQL database.
Take note that many vtctlclient commands produce no output on success, so the saying “No news, is good news” is valid here too.
First, designate one of the tablets to be the initial master. Vitess will automatically connect the other slaves’ mysqld instances so that they start replicating from the master’s mysqld. This is also when the default database is created. Since our keyspace is named test_keyspace, the MySQL database will be named vt_test_keyspace. As you can see from the ListAllTablets output, there are 2 replica and one rdonly tablets. Let’s designate the first tablet test-0000000100 as master (again, running from vitess-control command line):
cd $GOPATH/src/vitess.io/vitess/examples/kubernetes ./kvtctl.sh InitShardMaster -force test_keyspace/0 test-0000000100 ### example output # Starting port forwarding to vtctld... # W0817 22:29:32.961277 2530 main.go:60] W0817 22:29:32.958629 reparent.go:181] master-elect tablet test-0000000100 is not the shard master, proceeding anyway as -force was used # W0817 22:29:32.961988 2530 main.go:60] W0817 22:29:32.959145 reparent.go:187] master-elect tablet test-0000000100 is not a master in the shard, proceeding anyway as -force was used
Since this is the first time the shard has been started, the tablets are not doing any replication yet, and there is no existing master. That is why the InitShardMaster command above uses the -force flag to bypass the usual sanity checks that would apply if this wasn’t a brand new shard.
Now you should be able to see one master, one replica and one rdonly (if you didn’t change the counts in the scripts, you should see several replicas and rdonly pods):
./kvtctl.sh ListAllTablets test ### example output # Starting port forwarding to vtctld... # test-0000000100 test_keyspace 0 master [] # test-0000000101 test_keyspace 0 replica [] # test-0000000102 test_keyspace 0 rdonly []
The replica tablets are used for serving live web traffic, while the rdonly tablets are used for offline processing, such as batch jobs and backups.
Now it’s starting to get shape and we can apply a schema to the databases. For this we can use the vtctlclient tool that can apply the database schema across all tablets in a keyspace. There’s already a provided create_test_table.sql file from vitess on your vitess-control pod, let’s apply it:
cd $GOPATH/src/vitess.io/vitess/examples/kubernetes ./kvtctl.sh ApplySchema -sql "$(cat create_test_table.sql)" test_keyspace
The SQL that was applied is the following:
CREATE TABLE messages ( page BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED, time_created_ns BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED, message VARCHAR(10000), PRIMARY KEY (page, time_created_ns) ) ENGINE=InnoDB
And it can be viewed like this:
./kvtctl.sh GetSchema test-0000000100 ### example output # Starting port forwarding to vtctld... # { # "database_schema": "CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ {{.DatabaseName}} /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */", # "table_definitions": [ # { # "name": "messages", # "schema": "CREATE TABLE `messages` (\n `page` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,\n `time_created_ns` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,\n `message` varchar(10000) DEFAULT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`page`,`time_created_ns`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8", # "columns": [ # "page", # "time_created_ns", # "message" # ], # "primary_key_columns": [ # "page", # "time_created_ns" # ], # "type": "BASE TABLE", # "data_length": "16384", # "row_count": "0" # } # ], # "version": "5b2e5dbcb5766b6c69fe55c81b6ea805" # }
The example above we have just a database, with no specific configuration and we need to make that (empty) configuration visible for serving with the following command:
./kvtctl.sh RebuildVSchemaGraph
As this command doesn’t produce any output on success, you’re good if you don’t receive any messages.
Vitess uses vtgate to route each client query to the correct vttablet. In Kubernetes, a vtgate service distributes connections to a pool of vtgate pods. There’s again a script ready to start vtgate and it can also be changed to start a lower number of pods, to fit the GCP trial limit. Now go to vitess-control command line and run the following commands:
cd $GOPATH/src/vitess.io/vitess/examples/kubernetes ### run below command only if you want to change the vtgate count from 3 to 1 ### to fit into the GCP trial CPU limit sed -i 's/VTGATE_REPLICAS\:\-3/VTGATE_REPLICAS\:\-1/g' vtgate-up.sh ### end of vttablet count change ./vtgate-up.sh ### example output # Creating vtgate service in cell test... # service/vtgate-test created # Creating vtgate replicationcontroller in cell test... # replicationcontroller/vtgate-test created
After a couple of moments, you should see vtgate-test Workload in Rancher’s dashboard.
Now comes the most awaited moment - testing your Vitess cluster with an App. Guys from Vitess provided that too, that is also already present on your vitess-control pod. It is a GuestBook example that uses Vitess as a backend database. Apply it from the vitess-control pod:
cd $GOPATH/src/vitess.io/vitess/examples/kubernetes ./guestbook-up.sh ### example output # Creating guestbook service... # service/guestbook created # Creating guestbook replicationcontroller... # replicationcontroller/guestbook created
At this moment you should be able to access the GuestBook app in your browser. You need to get the public IP address of it. There are at least 2 ways to do that: - first one is to view it in Rancher, by going to Rancher’s workloads, then select Load Balancer, there you should see the GuestBook load balancer. From it’s right hand side menu, select View in API and then in the new opened page, search for PublicEndpoints -> Addresses, there you should have the public IP address of your GuestBook app. - second one is to get it from the vitess-control command line, by running the following command:
Load Balancer
View in API
PublicEndpoints -> Addresses
```c kubectl get service guestbook -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip}' ### example output # ```
Now you can access the GuestBook by pointing your browser to that IP address. It should look like this:
If you click on random page, it will generate a random page and insert it into the above created schema inside Vitess. Do that a couple of times and also post some messages to those pages, so we can view them afterwards in Vitess.
random page
You can see Vitess’ replication capabilities by opening the app in multiple browser windows, with the same Guestbook page number. Each new entry is committed to the master database. In the meantime, JavaScript on the page continuously polls the app server to retrieve a list of GuestBook entries. The app serves read-only requests by querying Vitess in ‘replica’ mode, confirming that replication is working.
Now let’s see how it looks inside Vitess, go to vitess-control command line and issue the following commands:
cd $GOPATH/src/vitess.io/vitess/examples/kubernetes ./kvtctl.sh ExecuteFetchAsDba test-0000000100 "SELECT * FROM messages" ### example output # Starting port forwarding to vtctld... # +------+---------------------+-----------+ # | page | time_created_ns | message | # +------+---------------------+-----------+ # | 0 | 1534547955692433152 | Hello | # | 0 | 1534547959825954816 | World | # | 65 | 1534547943325885184 | And | # | 65 | 1534547947058206208 | again | # +------+---------------------+-----------+
Now as you’ve seen what Vitess can do on the surface, the next step would be to try Vitess resharding or dynamic resharding, just note that for these you’ll need more resources than those provided by Google Cloud Platform trial limits.
To clean up all the demo pods and services you’ve created, there are also scripts provided for that, that you can run from the vitess-control pod:
vitess-control pod
cd $GOPATH/src/vitess.io/vitess/examples/kubernetes ./guestbook-down.sh ./vtgate-down.sh ./vttablet-down.sh ./vtctld-down.sh ./etcd-down.sh
The last cleaning steps would be to delete the cluster from Rancher and then terminate the Rancher instance from the Google Cloud Platform console.
Vitess is a very powerful and very useful MySQL backend. Although it requires a little bit of effort to understand and properly set up, it offers a huge advantage for the future management of massive MySQL databases and it will scale easily. If Vitess is the default MySQL backend for giants like YouTube, it certainly has it’s merits.
Rancher helped a lot in this demo to have everything in one place, I only had to have one Rancher instance to be able to do all the work, just by accessing it in a browser. The control instance was there, and all cluster details were there, just at a click distance.