Better Security Using Containers

As a relatively new technology, Docker containers may seem like a risk when it comes to security -- and it’s true that, in some ways, Docker creates new security challenges. But if implemented in a secure way, containers can actually help to make your entire environment more secure overall than it would be if you stuck with legacy infrastructure technologies. This article builds on existing container security resources, like Security for your Container, to explain how a secured containerized environment can harden your entire infrastructure against attack.

Some Background on Container Security

When you’re thinking about containers and security, it’s always good to have some history on why containers work the way they do and what that means for security. Aqua Security, one of the firms that specializes in container security, offers A Brief History of Containers to provide some context. As is visible in the evolution from chroot to Docker and the Open Container Initiative, it is obvious that isolation between services coexisting on shared servers was always the leading goal—not necessarily well thought-out, hardened security practices. Isolation is a good counter-measure, but, as shown in this Security for your Container article, there are a lot more things that can and should be done. Here are three examples of easy first steps that can be taken use containers to make your environment more secure:

Example 1: Only Expose Required Ports

Register now for free online training on deploying containers with Rancher Using containers, you can minimize the number of ports that are exposed to the outside world. This way, you have a minimal attack surface. Here’s an example of limiting port exposure: If you are running a container with MySQL, then you need only one port exposed, which defaults to 3306. For more complicated platforms like Oracle WebLogic, you may need the admin, node manager, and managed server ports open (8001, 5556, and 7001). There are multiple ways to specify these ports. Here are the three most common: Dockerfile

# Private (only accessible to other containers)
# Public / Published

Command Line

$ docker run --name docker-nginx -p 80:80 nginx

A docker-compose.yml file

    image: nginx:latest
      - loadbalance
      - "80"


Example 2: Always Pulling the Latest Images

Containers also make it easy to ensure that the software you run is always up-to-date and originates from a trusted, secure source. The easiest way to do this is to pull your container images from trusted public repositories that are maintained by reputable organizations -- or from your own private, secured registry. In addition, unless you need a specific version of a container image when you pull it, it’s best not to specify a version in your Dockerfile. That way, you always get the latest software. Ideally:

FROM: ubuntu:latest

Not bad:

FROM: ubuntu:xenial

Less than ideal:

FROM: ubuntu:xenial-20170214

Being able to download your app images from secure, centralized repositories -- and having the installation system default to up-to-date software -- beats having to download and install binaries from websites or proxies that you may or may not trust, as you would do with traditional environments.


Example 3: Enabling a Container with a Host Firewall via iptables

Containers allow you to set up firewall rules in a very granular way in order to control which traffic will be allowed in and out of your specific container(s) at the container level. This is possible because each container can run its own copy of iptables -- which is a really cool thing, since in traditional environments, firewall rules are generally shared across the entire operating system (and although you could configure them on an application-specific basis, doing so tends to get very messy). This is particularly convenient in environments with multiple applications and mixed traffic where you only want to accept traffic from your load balancer or a specific client, not just anyone who happens to discover the service. There are two steps to enable this:

  1. Pass the “--cap-add=NET_ADMIN” parameter to the “docker run” command.
  2. Set up a script to run on startup in your container to apply the iptables rules.

How it is set up by default:

root@docker-1gb-tor1-01:~# docker run -ti --rm centos bash
[root@d7badabb70ba /]# yum install -y iptables
[root@d7badabb70ba /]# iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP
iptables v1.4.21: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Permission denied (you must be root)
Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
[root@d7badabb70ba /]# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=60 time=1.38 ms

With NET_ADMIN enabled:

root@docker-1gb-tor1-01:~# docker run -ti --rm --cap-add=NET_ADMIN centos bash
[root@2a35eb22654f /]# yum install -y iptables
[root@2a35eb22654f /]# iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP
[root@2a35eb22654f /]# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted

For much more detailed examples, there are several enlightening tutorials online (such as this one from Rudi Starcevic).



To deploy containers securely, you’ll have to master some new tricks. But once you understand what it takes to keep your containerized environment secure, you’ll find that containers offer a finer-tuned, deeper level of security than what you can achieve with traditional infrastructure. In this article, we took a look at just a few of the many ways in which containers help increase the security of your environment. Vince Power, a Solution Architect, focuses on cloud adoption and technology implementations using open source-based technologies. He has extensive experience with core computing and networking (IaaS), identity and access management (IAM), application platforms (PaaS), and continuous delivery.
