Adding Linux Dash As A System Service

Last week Ivan Mikushin discussed adding system services to RancherOS using Docker Compose. Today I want to show you an exmaple of how to deploy Linux Dash as a system service. Linux Dash is a simple, low overhead, and web supported monitoring tool for Linux, you can read more about Linux Dash here. In this post i will add Linux Dash as a system service to RancherOS version 0.3.0 which allows users to add system services using rancherctl command. The Ubuntu’s console is the only service that is currently available in RancherOS.

Creating Linux Dash Docker Image

I build a 32MB node.js busybox image on top of the hwestphal/nodebox image, with linux-dash installed which will run on port 80 by default. The Docker file of this image:

FROM hwestphal/nodebox
MAINTAINER Hussein Galal

RUN opkg-install unzip
RUN curl -k -L -o
RUN unzip
WORKDIR linux-dash-master
RUN npm install

ENTRYPOINT ["node","server"]

The image needs to be available on Docker Hub to be pulled later by RancherOS, so we should build and push the image:

# docker build -t husseingalal/busydash busydash/
# docker push husseingalal/busydash

Starting Linux Dash As A System Service

Linux Dash can be started as system service in RancherOS using rancherctl service enable <system-service> while <system-service> is the location of the yaml file that contains the option for starting the system service in RancherOS. linux-dash.yml

image: husseingalal/busydash
privileged: true
- network
- io.rancher.os.scope=system
restart: always
pid: host
ipc: host
net: host

To start the previous configuration as a system service, run the following command on RancherOS:

~# rancherctl service enable /home/rancher/linux-dash/linux-dash.yml

By using this command, the service will also be added to the rancher.yml file and set to enabled, but a reboot needs to occur in order for it take effect. After rebooting, you can see that the dash service has been started using rancherctl command:

rancher@xxx:~$ sudo rancherctl service list
enabled  ubuntu-console
enabled  /home/rancher/linux-dash/linux-dash.yml

And you can see that the Dash container has been started as a system Docker container:

rancher@xxx:~$ sudo system-docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                          COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES

447ada85ca78        rancher/ubuntuconsole:v0.3.0   "/usr/sbin/    About an hour ago   Up About an hour                        console

fb7ce6f074e6        husseingalal/busydash:latest   "node server"          About an hour ago   Up About an hour                        dash

b7b1c734776b        userdocker:latest              "/usr/sbin/    About an hour ago   Up About an hour                        userdocker

2990a5db9042        udev:latest                    "/usr/sbin/    About an hour ago   Up About an hour                        udev

935486c2bf83        syslog:latest                  "/usr/sbin/    About an hour ago   Up About an hour                        syslog

And to test the Web UI just enter the following url to your browser: http://server’s-ip 16 17


In version 0.3.0 of RancherOS, you have the ability to create and manage your own RancherOS system services. System service in RancherOS make it easy to enable is a Docker container that will start at the OS startup and can be designed in Docker compose format. For more information about system services in RancherOS. You can find instructions on how to download RancherOS from Github
